Dr. Tamurah


Meeting with a professional medium / clairvoyant / Shaman for 40+ years means that anything can happen in your session! We may tune into your current life circumstances, looking into your future and how future and past situations may be influencing your life now. Perhaps beloved family members and friends who wish to relay a message attend, or your personal guides, teachers or angelic companions may appear. Sometimes included within a 60+ minute
session is a colored aura reading (from my clairvoyant perspective) showing you what is present in your energy field and what you are transmitting for manifestation… Moreover, sometimes after an intense trauma or grief we need help re-assembling or remembering various facets of ourselves via a Soul Retrieval…

Rainbow Light Frequency Attunements

We store life experiences as energy patterns. Some experiences
create blockages that interrupt the flow of energy in multiple ways in
our lives. Many of us only exist on a ‘survival level’. Scroll down (past the booking calendar) to read about Dr. Tamurah's Vibrational Frequency Attunement.

***Scroll down for session information (Zoom, in-person, etc) and for all policies pertaining to services including our cancellation policy as well as for testimonials.

Vibrational Frequency Attunement:
We store life experiences as energy patterns.  Some of those experiences, especially negative ones, create blockages that interrupt the free flow of energy in our lives.  The other factor that limits our energy flow is that many of us live at a 'survival' level.  We access and use only the energy needed to get through the day (the autonomic system).
What happens if we can free the blocked energy; or better yet, access energy, which has been stored within our 'energy anatomy'?  When people receive a  vibrational frequency attunement, they frequently say that not only do they feel much better (spiritually, emotionally, etc) but, they have often altered their life in some major way to move into greater alignment with their Authentic Self;  (change of career, moving, etc).  The 'tuning' activates the energy in the root energy center and raises it up through each energy center in succession allowing energy to freely flow.  When energy flows freely, new choices in our lives are awakened and we have new-found energy from within to make the changes we want, and perhaps need to make.
As a person increases consciousness, it becomes necessary for energy to flow freely allowing the space for higher vibration energies to integrate.  With each vibrational tuning, our bodies adjust to and integrate the higher vibrations that accompany a raised consciousness.  A Vibrational Frequency Attunement can assist in opening the energy centers  and moving from energetic 'survival' to optimum vitality...
Sessions are usually  60 - 90 minutes and are conducted fully clothed on a massage table.  Dr. Tamurah will also utilize her cutting edge camera to obtain before and after bio-field measurements which may provide a precise overview of your energetic wellness and the beneficial influence of your Vibrational Frequency Attunement.  

Dr. Tamurah comes to us by way of Sedona and Santa Fe having  served as a professional intuitive, medium and clairvoyant since 1983.  Her specialty focuses into the nature of the Primordial Tradition / Ageless Wisdom Teachings as an evolutionary force for awakening consciousness.  A session with Dr. Tamurah ultimately distills down to identifying obstructions and assisting you to attune and align with your Highest Purpose.   She accomplishes this by reading your Aura, your Akashic Records or consulting with your Spiritual Guidance.    In Addition to her Doctorate of Philosophy, she holds two Master's Degrees in Counseling, plus numerous certifications in Hypnotherapy / Past Life Regression Therapy / Sound Healing and Soul Retrieval.      For many years she studied Polynesian Mysticism and Shamanics directly with well known traditional Elders.   Always interested in honing her skill set, she even studied Mediumship at the premiere Spiritualistic College in England.  Dr. Tamurah also works with subtle energy devices as a means of blending science with spirituality.  She obtained additional certifications in Bio-Field consulting and as a Certified Biofeedback Specialist.   



"A mystical session with Rev. Dr. Tamurah permitted me to receive information that reassured me from a lot of fears. I felt inspired and invigorated to jump into the next realm of possibility in my work life and to help me fulfill my life purpose. Rev. Dr. Tamurah is indeed a very gifted channel and Intuitive."  Catherine,  New York City

 ''I found the Quantum Biofeedback device to be accurate in evaluating ailments and conditions, which I confirmed through other means as well. As it deals with the electronic body, one of our 22 bodies, it works well in balancing electronic frequencies through sending frequencies to balance the auric field. The auric field is an expression and effect of our soul essence, so the machine can help in balancing the auric field and allowing some more space for the soul expression to emerge. All in all I recommend this machine and Rev. Dr. Tamurah to help assess and inspire you into taking right actions to boost your personal growth!'   Padma Aon Prakasha



 Gift Certificates for Services Available Here

Things to know:..
-Sessions are held remotely at this time via phone, zoom and/or facetime.
-There are limited in-person sessions. See calendar below.
-Not all readers offer all contact choices.
-Customer chooses contact option during booking process.
-Payment is due and processed at time of booking
-For Phone Sessions: Service providers contact you at the start of your appointment time. 
-For Zoom Sessions:  Customer logs into zoom link at the start their appointment time.
-For Facetime Sessions:  Service providers contact you at the start of your appointment time. 
-Zoom links are included in your confirmation and reminder emails.
-Start time of appointments and classes changes automatically to match the time zone you select during the scheduling process.
-No cash payments at this time

-Our booking calendar uses PayPal as the payment method.  Check out as a "guest" with PayPal or checkout using your PayPal account. 

-Please honor the time of the readers and service providers, only one person per scheduled appointment.

-Our Cancellation Policy  


Please honor the time of all readers and service providers,
only one person per scheduled appointment. 

Please call the store at 615-463-7677 if you have any questions or reach us by email at orders@yourcosmicconnections.com. 

*Cosmic Connections does not sell or give away your information.*
*Your information is not used for other businesses or sold by Acuity to any third parties.*