It is with heavy hearts that we inform our community that our beloved Sunny passed peacefully in her human’s arms on Mother’s Day.
Prayers and much love to all who loved her. We mourn our loss but find peace- knowing she had a wonderful life and is no longer suffering. The pain we feel is a testament to the joy and love she gave us.
Sunny was not well last week and a visit to the vet confirmed. She had fluid around her heart and cancer had spread through her abdomen. She has been buried in a beautiful space out in the rolling hills of Williamson County.
Our Gina Griffiths who has a special gift in animal communication shared with us: “It was significant that she passed on Mother’s Day. She was the Mother of the store and just has so much love for you. I saw her wrapping her angel wings around you. She is fine and proud of herself for what she accomplished and doesn’t want anyone to worry about her. She is happy and appreciates her life…”
Thank you to everyone who made Sunny part of your visit to Cosmic Connections these many years and to the Belmont students and others that would make special trips just to visit and love on Sunny. She was greatly loved and will be greatly missed.

Hello Cosmic Beings of Light!
I am here at Cosmic every day awaiting your visit. I have soft beds and blankets scattered all over the store. If you don't see me then I'm probably cat-napping or people-watching from upstairs.
I'm an 18 years young Calico and true to my breed. I am sweet and very chatty. I send you a message every week from the bottom of our emailed newsletter.
Come and see me! I need belly rubs and ear scratches from my favorite peeps! Sending you healing vibrations.
Hope you have a purrrfect day.