
Juelle and the Council

     A private session with The Council is a unique experience. Touching and reading your soul, they guide you into the insights and direction of your own Divine Spirit. With light speed understanding, they describe where you currently are in your soul’s journey, how you got there, where you will probably move next in your growth and most importantly, how to do it.

        The information is direct and clear, powerful and healing. Each session is a sacred alignment with your purpose, helping you to make the necessary shifts in your life, in order to live your heart’s desire.

 About Juelle Wilkins

Juelle has been on the front lines of the Consciousness Movement for over 40 years. She travels extensively presenting seminars and retreats throughout the United States and abroad. In the past she has offered these sessions through her counseling practice where consultations are channeled sessions in support of clients on their spiritual path.  These sessions assist in cosmic awakenings, elevate conscious decision-making and integrate the spiritual aspect of their being into everyday life. 

Juelle and her partner, Donovan conduct spiritual pilgrimages to sacred places around the world, integrating the cultures and sacred customs of indigenous people in an effort to expand their client’s spiritual awareness and bring new dimensions to their human life experiences.  

In addition, Juelle and Donovan operate Blue Star of Hope. This non-profit work brings together students and adults to realize that all nations are a part of one world family and to be new thinkers in today’s global community. To read more about this life changing non-profit and its work in the world, please visit:   http://bluestarofhope.org/

***Scroll down for session information (Zoom, in-person, etc) and for all policies pertaining to services including our cancellation policy.  

 Gift Certificates for Services Available Here

Things to know:..
-Sessions are held remotely at this time via phone, zoom and/or facetime.
-Not all readers offer all contact choices.
-Customer chooses contact option during booking process.
-Payment is due and processed at time of booking
-For Phone Sessions: Service providers contact you at the start of your appointment time. 
-For Zoom Sessions:  Customer logs into zoom link at the start their appointment time.
-For Facetime Sessions:  Service providers contact you at the start of your appointment time. 
-Zoom links are included in your confirmation and reminder emails.
-Start time of appointments and classes changes automatically to match the time zone you select during the scheduling process.
-No cash payments at this time

-Our booking calendar uses PayPal as the payment method.  Check out as a "guest" with PayPal or checkout using your PayPal account. 

-Please honor the time of the readers and service providers, only one person per scheduled appointment.

-Please be aware of our CANCELLATION POLICY  


Please call the store at 615-463-7677 if you have any questions or reach us by email at orders@yourcosmicconnections.com. 

*Cosmic Connections does not sell or give away your information. **Your information is not used for other businesses or sold by Acuity to any third parties.*
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