Build A Mesa Altar

A 4-week series with Jean Tindle 
September 28 In-Person at Cosmic Connections



A 4-week interactive in-person and online course with Jean Tindle of Spirit Dancer Crystals

Peruvian Shaman have known the healing potential of the Mesa Altar for centuries…

Now it’s your turn to learn how to harness the power of NATURE in your life and spiritual practices! 

My favorite tool for EMPOWERMENT

Imagine what it would be like to work directly with the energies guiding your life. To speak to your guides and work with them, instead of against them. To harness the power of the elements and ask for their guidance and assistance…

THAT is the power you gain with the Mesa Altar.

Practiced by the Curandero’s of Peru for centuries, the Mesa is one of the most powerful tools you can have in your spiritual toolbox. 

While there are may different types of altar practices you can play with, the Mesa Altar is a specific altar type that pays homage to each of the four cardinal directions, the elements, as well as to your personal connection to your guides. It is for healing, setting intentions, and influencing the unseen.

I’ve personally had my Mesa Altar set up for more than 20 years. Over that time, it has held the power of every healing and all my intentions. Almost everything I’ve learned about the unseen world has been either at the Mesa or through it!

Your Mesa can be used for setting intentions, healing yourself and others, or even connecting you more deeply to the cosmos. It is a powerful amplifier and transmitter of spiritual power that is perfect for anyone who is serious about taking their energetic practices to the next level.

And even beyond the energetics, your Mesa is a tool for EMPOWERMENT. It’s a place where you can stop blaming others and truly take control of your life — to understand the powers at play in all that happens to you… to nudge the powers in a direction more in alignment with your desires and needs. Your Mesa is where you take control of your healing and your life.

I joyfully invite you to learn how to Build Your Mesa Altar in my new 4-week class that begins September 28, 2024.  Each week we will meet for 90 minutes to explore the elements, cardinal directions, and intentions behind the construction of the Peruvian Mesa Altar. By the end, you’ll not only have your own completed Mesa but will be equipped with a variety of exercises to start using in your own personal spiritual practices.

Build Your Mesa Altar

September 28 to October 22




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