Tania Smith

Tania Smith

Tania Smith (Lopon Lumo Woekar) is an energy healer, professional musician, jewelry designer and excellent intuitive, dedicated to helping you find lasting happiness and wellbeing. Born in Australia, Tania always knew she would use energetic healing in her life while she pursued a long career as a Grammy credited musician & songwriter.
She is certified as a Drup Shen Ma & Lopon, (Healer & Teacher) in Tibetan Tse Dup Bon Soul Healing which balances and heals the body, mind and spirit throughout any facet of your life and has over 20 years' experience with clients as a healer and intuitive. She offers Tibetan energy work, hypnosis and past life regression as well as creative mentoring to help you create the life you want. She can also help with phobias & weight loss.
She has an office in Cosmic Connections where she also teaches her classes including a 3-year certification program in Tibetan Soul Healing. She has been certifying Tibetan Soul Healers in Nashville at Cosmic Connections since 2015 through her company Rainbow Lovina Healing Arts, LLC. She is one of the first practitioners and teachers of this Ancient Tibetan Healing in the U.S. after over 10 years of intensive training with Geshe Chongtul Rinpoche. Classes, readings and energy sessions are life-changing. 
Tania teaches on a global scale and offers classes from the US to Australia in person and on zoom. Her classes are highly sought after and are filled month after month. She offers a free monthly zoom meditation called the Rainbow Light Activation, focusing on chakra balancing and guided meditation as well as a paid Tibetan Tse Dup Healing Circle, offered monthly in person and on zoom. Sign up today for your transformation.
Also check out her spiritually energized jewelry Crystal Gypsy Designs offered exclusively in Nashville at Cosmic Connections.

***Scroll down for session information (Zoom, in-person, etc) and for all policies pertaining to services including our cancellation policy.  In addition, you can find Tania's client testimonials beneath the calendar and policy section.

 Gift Certificates for Services Available Here

Things to know:..
-Sessions are held remotely at this time via phone, zoom and/or facetime.
-There are limited in-person sessions. See calendar below.
-Not all readers offer all contact choices.
-Customer chooses contact option during booking process.
-Payment is due and processed at time of booking
-For Phone Sessions: Service providers contact you at the start of your appointment time. 
-For Zoom Sessions:  Customer logs into zoom link at the start their appointment time.
-For Facetime Sessions:  Service providers contact you at the start of your appointment time. 
-Zoom links are included in your confirmation and reminder emails.
-Start time of appointments and classes changes automatically to match the time zone you select during the scheduling process.
-No cash payments at this time

-Our booking calendar uses PayPal as the payment method.  Check out as a "guest" with PayPal or checkout using your PayPal account. 

-Please honor the time of the readers and service providers, only one person per scheduled appointment.

-Our Cancellation Policy  

Please honor the time of all readers and service providers,

only one person per scheduled appointment. 

Please call the store at 615-463-7677 if you have any questions or reach us by email at orders@yourcosmicconnections.com. 

*Cosmic Connections does not sell or give away your information.
**Your information is not used for other businesses or sold by Acuity to any third parties.*
Tania’s genius is evident in her talents as an intuitive consultant, healer and teacher. I have sought guidance from her at significant crossroads for several years. She has the ability to crystallize my thoughts of confusion or doubt into clear, practical actions that have delivered powerful results for my personal life and career. I can honestly say that the clarity, calmness and inner peace after each session is invaluable. I feel deeply blessed to receive her astute guidance and extraordinary wisdom.
Intuitive Reading Client
I have a background of physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse and had tried everything to make just basic improvements to my existence. I would make small gains that were often lost in endless trauma loops causing insomnia, hyper vigilance, stress headaches, rage attacks, and eventually almost full abreactions. During my first healing session, without saying a word about my situation, I breathed through some rare tears as Tania gently rolled up my stress and emotional pain into an energetic ball and lifted it from my chest. I went home shocked but relieved, and the stress removed that day never came back. I have been a firm believer in this practice ever since. This was the first “thing” that actually helped me. My headaches dramatically decreased and then went away, and I was no longer on the verge of a breakdown. Eventually, Tania suggested I get to the deeper root of my anxiety/PTSD and try hypnosis. Every session since then has been life changing, literally. I’ve broken off the energetic patterns of narcissistic abuse, decreased my anxiety well over 70%, I sleep better, I feel an amazing sense of calm/peace, and my body has healed from the memory of abuse. A friend I’ve known for over 20 years visited over the holiday and said she had never seen me doing better…ever. The energetic shifts are permanent and this type of healing also has a snowball effect….I continue to heal for weeks after a single session. I can’t say enough positive things. There aren’t many effective treatments for PTSD, and this modality has given me back my life and my true core personality.
Energy Healing & Hypnosis Client